Composed by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Arranged and conducted by Martin Fierro
Plaintive Morricone-on-acid score.
DEAD LINK (for now...)
I believe that the only end of all human activity – whether it be politics, art, science, etc. – is to find enlightenment, to reach enlightenment. I ask of a film what most North Americans as of psychedelic drugs. The difference being that when one creates a psychedelic film, he need not create a film that shows the visions of a person who has taken a pill; rather, he needs to manufacture the pill. I think there are multiple influences in El Topo – I have them all: the influence of all the books I’ve read and all the films I’ve seen, of all the winds that have blown against my skin, of all the stars that have exploded during my lifetime, of each manifestation of the now manifested, of each flea that’s shit on me. Especially a flea I met in 1955. It shit on me in such an incredible way, that it changed my life. I’m sure that flea’s in my film.
- Alexandro Jodorowsky -
In El Topo I had a person who played the flute. I took a piece by Bach for instance and I took scissors and cut it and re-arranged the pieces in another order and then I made the guy play it on the flute. That was one musical idea. There was another idea that I called ‘21 Friends’. I gave a musical note to my friends, do re mi fa sol la si, and then I asked them to come to my house and I was noting the order they were coming and I made music from that. Et cetera, et cetera… I was inventing ways to make music.
- Alexandro Jodorowsky -
Soundtrack CD from the Anchor Bay Jodorowsky boxset.

01 Entierro Del Primer Juguete 02:29
(Burial of the First Toy) ..
02 Bajo Tierra (Under the Earth) 01:40
03 La Catedral de los Puercos (The Pigs Monastery) 01:33
04 Los Mendigos Sangrados (The Holy Beggars) 02:31
05 La Muerte es un Nacimiento (Death is Birth) 02:18
06 Curios Mexicano (Mexican Curios) 02:37
07 El Agua Viva (Living Water) 01:18
08 Vals Fantasma 03:17
09 El Alma Nace en la Sangre 02:44
(The Soul Born in the Blood) ..
10 Topo Triste 02:44
11 Los Dioses de Azucar (The Sugar Gods) 01:39
12 Les Flores Nacen en el Barro 01:52
(Flowers Born in the Mud) ..
13 El Infierno de los Angeles Prostitutos 01:54
(The Hell of the Prostituted Angels) ..
14 Marcha de los Ojos en el Triangulos 01:37
(March of the Eyes in the Triangles) ..
15 La Miel del Dolor (The Pain of Honey) 01:08
16 300 Conejos (300 Rabbits) 00:56
17 Conocimiento a Traves de la Musica 00:35
(Knowledge Through Music) ..
18 La Primera Flor Despues del Diluvio 03:30
(The First Flower After the Flood) ..
you'll find his surrealismy slapstick comedy EL TOPO, THERE IF YOU CLICK ON ME
credited to free jazz god Don Cherry and Archies keyboardist Ron Frangipane along with Jodorowsky.
A tantalizing aural mixture of religious instrumentation and funky pop compositions.
DEAD LINK (for now...)
Some noises I had to make myself. Nobody knows that but I made a lot of sounds. When the thieves attack the masters in The Holy Mountain I had a piano and I took a chamber pot and I started to hit the piano with the chamber pot. It was fantastic, the chamber pot made a fantastic sound! (laughter) No one has asked me about the sound until today, but I made a lot of sounds. And I worked with a fantastic jazz musician called Don Cherry. He was a hippy musician, he was always doing drugs, and he brought lots of musicians. One time I had 100 guys! I showed them The Holy Mountain and he made the music as he was watching the picture. Every time I discovered ways to make the music I needed.
- Alexandro Jodorowsky -
Soundtrack CD from the Anchor Bay Jodorowsky boxset.

01 Trance Mutation 03:32
02 Pissed and Passed Out 01:48
03 Violence of the Lambs 02:03
04 Drink It 01:38
05 Christs 4 Sale 00:44
06 Cast Out and Pissed 01:48
07 Eye of the Beholder 02:17
08 Communion 01:24
09 Rainbow Room 04:41
10 Alchemical Room 04:15
11 Tarot Will Teach You / Burn Your Money 08:45
12 Mattresses, Masks and Pearls 05:53
13 Isla (The Sapphic Sleep) 02:22
14 Psychedelic Weapons 01:12
15 Rich Man in a Fishbowl 04:09
16 Miniature Plastic Bomb Shop 03:14
17 Fuck Machine 03:13
18 Baby Snakes 01:21
19 A Walk in the Park 01:31
20 Mice and Massacre 03:27
21 City of Freedom 03:22
22 Starfish 02:22
23 The Climb / Reality (Zoom Back Camera) 04:15
24 Pantheon Bar (Bees Make Honey...) 03:43
The Eye Popping Sounds of Herschell Gordon Lewis
DEAD LINK (for now...)

From Blood Feast
1. Official Warning (Blood Feast disclaimer)
2. Tragic Kettledrums / Eye Gouged Out / Legs Cut Off!
3. Blood Feast (Main Title) / Homicide Bureau
4. Fuad Ramses Exotic Catering Service
5. Brains Knocked Out
6. How Dry I Am
7. Tongue Torn Out
8. 5000 Years Ago / Newscast
9. Critical Condition
10. Ancient Weird Religious Rites
11. Poolside Frolic
12. Trudy Is Sacrificed to Ishtar / Leftovers
13. Chase Scene / A Fitting Death For The Garbage He Was
14. Blood Feast radio spot
From 2000 Maniacs
15. Theme from 2000 Maniacs
16. Recurring Virtuoso Guitar Bit
17. Lister's Garbage / I Told You That Blade Was Sharp!
18. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms
19. It's Almost Like Halloween
20. Tom's Bright Idea
21. Escape Attempt / Guests of Honor
22. Quicksand!
23. Dixie
24. Safe At Last
25. Teetering Rock
26. Old Joe Clark
27. Gueusome Twosome radio spot
28. White Lightning (from Moonshine Mountain)
29. Suburban Roulette (from Suburban Roulette)
30. The Pill (from The Girl, The Body & The Pill)
31. She Devils On Wheels radio spot
32. Get Off The Road (from She Devils On Wheels)
33. Bad Day (from Blast Off Girls)
34. Noise (from Blast Off Girls)
35. Destruction (from Just For The Hell Of It)
36. Blast Off Girls Rock'n'Roll Party (from Blast Off Girls)
37. Living Venus (from Living Venus)
Choubi Choubi! Folk and Pop Sounds from Iraq
DEAD LINK (for now...)

1. | They Taught Me - Ja'afar Hassan | ||
2. | Segue Bezikh - Unidentified | ||
3. | Oh Mother, The Handsome Man Tortures Me - Unidentified | ||
4. | Yumma, Al Hilou (Mother, Here's My Beauty) - Unidentified | ||
5. | Ahl Al Aqi (Oh, People Of Reason) - Unidentified | ||
6. | Hecha - Unidentified | ||
7. | Choubi Choubi - Unidentified | ||
8. | Ya Binaya Goumi (Oh Girl, Stand Up) - Bawin | ||
9. | Front My Hope - Ja'afar Hassan | ||
10. | Ala Honak (Take It Easy) - Sajada Al Ubaid | ||
11. | Mawal / Choubi - Unidentified | ||
12. | (Unknown) - Mohammed Al Madloul | ||
13. | Ashhad Biannak Hilou (I Admit You Are Beautiful) - Sadun Jabir | ||
14. | Walla (By God) - Salah Abd Alghafour | ||
15. | Palestinian - Ja'afar Hassan | ||
16. | (Unknown) - Souad Abdullah |
Radio Phnom Penh
DEAD LINK (for now...)

1. Don't Want to Let You Go |
2. Multi-Pop Indigenous |
3. Blondie in Khmer Camouflage |
4. Street Guns and Studio Drums |
5. Synthesizers East of Siam |
6. Indefinite State of Emergency |
7. Phnom Penh on the Seine |
8. Bubble Gum Independence |
9. Rebel Guitars in Strange Dialect |
10. Shiny Radio in a Blind Man's Wallet |
11. Re-Mixed Culture or: The Graffiti Walls of Angkor Wat |
12. Condoms and Condors |
13. Sign-Off/The Venerable Anthem |
5 commentaires:
Thanks loads for the HG Lewis set, been looking for this one for a while.
ohhh the link to the choubichoubi album doesn't work! :(
I've been looking all over for this album!
If you could reupload it, I will adore you forever :D and give you a cookie!
For my purposes, this is the best website EVER! Hope you will keep it updated.
Choubi choubi and that one are not longer availbale on sharefile ...sniff !
Hi tthanks for sharing this
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